Gaming, Computer, Techs, Programming, Economics, etc. mixing thoughts.

The game freeze sometimes at the loading screen for pantheon matches. I've already experienced this 3-4 times from about 30 matches of Pantheon. Not sure if it's due to my machine though, but i've never experience this in other games so far.Anyone got the same problem?

on Mar 24, 2009

I have had the same problem. Needed to restart DG

on Apr 05, 2009

I actually haven't had this happen to me until... Just now.

I had actually Alt-Tabbed out of Demigod to do some forum-surfing whilst I wait for a match to start up, and when I came back, I was greeted with a frozen loading screen, and an Unhandled Exception:

(EDIT: It would seem that I can consistently replicate this error, simply by being Alt-Tabbed out of Demigod, at the time when the next map starts to load)

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0081fe1f
    attempted to read memory at 0x00000000

Program : D:\Games\Stardock\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :

    Unknown symbol (address 0x0081fe1f)

Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info:         },
info:         hsedna14={ goal1=187273.703125, progress=187273.703125 },
info:         hsedna15={ goal1=35, progress=35 },
info:         hsedna16={ goal1=44, progress=44 },
info:         hsedna17=true,
info:         hsedna18={ goal1=147682.609375, progress=147682.609375 },
info:         hsedna19=true,
info:         hsedna21={ goal1=71470.140625, progress=71470.140625 },
info:         hsedna22={ goal1=476877.9375, progress=476877.9375 }
info:       },
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Difficulty=2,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Hero="hsedna",
info:       Human=true,
info:       InGameName="Luminance",
info:       OwnerID="16512",
info:       PlayerColor=1,
info:       PlayerName="Luminance",
info:       Ready=false
info:     },
info:     {
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Difficulty=2,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Hero="hrook",
info:       Human=true,
info:       InGameName="Leveller",
info:       OwnerID="11654",
info:       PlayerColor=2,
info:       PlayerName="Leveller",
info:       Ready=false
info:     },
info:     [6]={
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Hero="hqueen",
info:       Human=false,
info:       InGameName="Snoogles",
info:       OwnerID="16512",
info:       PlayerColor=6,
info:       PlayerName="Snoogles",
info:       Ready=false
info:     },
info:     [7]={
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Hero="hvampire",
info:       Human=false,
info:       InGameName="Stefan-Matte",
info:       OwnerID="16512",
info:       PlayerColor=7,
info:       PlayerName="Stefan-Matte",
info:       Ready=false
info:     },
info:     [8]={
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Hero="hepa01",
info:       Human=false,
info:       InGameName="rs2005",
info:       OwnerID="16512",
info:       PlayerColor=8,
info:       PlayerName="rs2005",
info:       Ready=false
info:     }
info:   }
info: }
info: CVP_GameData:
      szGameName: Pantheon (Beta 3) Match
      szHostPlayerName: Luminance
      szPassword: f0dbb4cf-83fa-48bc-8
      szMapName: Crucible
      szGameSpecificXML (size): 3530
      szGameGUID: 310a2cad-fadd-4c1f-b7a8-e8fd65d80471
      szGameToken: FGwgwUFlgN8BaKkBT23w9AmMa/D8bH9I95HuufI5AcB9Ph1Rxj8dCISPM/SAcijgDArCgUTseF1Tj2yIEbe1y4FR0VUGO/tVT1uYuRcEnE7ohjA7QLElST+ZQyESqRw/SHAZ4sBXwqIWqzBvVX+cYtmeC5dhkt+EeQO7COxbztoRvMUdHSECHf/TlxHw60EanxsMztlbOmzuBVxC5HZABy8KK0GzCVpmK5VeWB5aFxnY/V3dE8qa7WVJHFJs6B0QA6O4x0n5QDMZkxqKMR4kmMCz1+uf6BPFJ0eNR7giKXYMDEAUD4RERlxylZLNXns9V6h15wiUiXod+Fdf8Dh2blPm0ncgwldqGQ7AVKlejlcasKb4IasUM0maybJkXKsIjEtt26Ej5GfLlJnHcPSnQkg4L7Pk6O+M4ahBg4yPZzhifgXx3PMzCV+jLqx6Zue748n2mRgNYYA=
      szStartTime: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
      szLastNotificationTime: 2009-04-05T09:16:42.27
      dwHostPlayerID: 16512
      dwHostPort: 0
      dwMinPlayers: 2
      dwMaxPlayers: 10
      dwGameTypeID: 6
      dwGameMapID: 57
      dwNumPlayers: 5
      dwGameID: 110957
      bRanked: 1
      bPrivate: 1
      dwHostTeamID: 0
      dwHostEntityID: 0
      dwWinningTeamID: 0
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::UpdateGameData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::UpdateGameData()
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [3530]
info: CVP_GameData:
      szGameName: Pantheon (Beta 3) Match
      szHostPlayerName: Luminance
      szPassword: f0dbb4cf-83fa-48bc-8
      szMapName: Crucible
      szGameSpecificXML (size): 3530
      szGameGUID: 310a2cad-fadd-4c1f-b7a8-e8fd65d80471
      szGameToken: FGwgwUFlgN8BaKkBT23w9AmMa/D8bH9I95HuufI5AcB9Ph1Rxj8dCISPM/SAcijgDArCgUTseF1Tj2yIEbe1y4FR0VUGO/tVT1uYuRcEnE7ohjA7QLElST+ZQyESqRw/SHAZ4sBXwqIWqzBvVX+cYtmeC5dhkt+EeQO7COxbztoRvMUdHSECHf/TlxHw60EanxsMztlbOmzuBVxC5HZABy8KK0GzCVpmK5VeWB5aFxnY/V3dE8qa7WVJHFJs6B0QA6O4x0n5QDMZkxqKMR4kmMCz1+uf6BPFJ0eNR7giKXYMDEAUD4RERlxylZLNXns9V6h15wiUiXod+Fdf8Dh2blPm0ncgwldqGQ7AVKlejlcasKb4IasUM0maybJkXKsIjEtt26Ej5GfLlJnHcPSnQkg4L7Pk6O+M4ahBg4yPZzhifgXx3PMzCV+jLqx6Zue748n2mRgNYYA=
      szStartTime: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
      szLastNotificationTime: 2009-04-05T09:16:42.27
      dwHostPlayerID: 16512
      dwHostPort: 0
      dwMinPlayers: 2
      dwMaxPlayers: 10
      dwGameTypeID: 6
      dwGameMapID: 57
      dwNumPlayers: 5
      dwGameID: 110957
      bRanked: 1
      bPrivate: 1
      dwHostTeamID: 0
      dwHostEntityID: 0
      dwWinningTeamID: 0
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::UpdateGame()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::UpdateGame()
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetGameData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetGameData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::UpdateGame()
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetGameData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetGameData()
info: Attempting to add an AI player[Snoogles] that we cannot find in the AIPlayerName map.
info: Adding name/ID mapping:[Snoogles:20000000]
info: Attempting to add an AI player[Stefan-Matte] that we cannot find in the AIPlayerName map.
info: Adding name/ID mapping:[Stefan-Matte:20000002]
info: Attempting to add an AI player[rs2005] that we cannot find in the AIPlayerName map.
info: Adding name/ID mapping:[rs2005:20000004]
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::StartGame()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::StartGame()
info: AutoLobby:LaunchGame
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/help/gametips.lua\000'
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/game/loading.lua\000'
info: Sounds process locked
info: Saving replay to "C:\Documents and Settings\Ben\My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\replays\Luminance\LastGame.DGReplay"
warning: Granny: FileReading (C:\work\forge\beta\code\src\libs\granny\granny_file_info.cpp(152): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000002d, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000026).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.)
warning: invalid technique specified in terrain material: index 0 out of 0